Privacy, personal data protection and conditions of use
Our experiences in relation to mental health support networks are a very personal issue. For this reason, in all stages of the project, we have taken special care of the issues of privacy, confidentiality and protection of personal data. All our digital spaces are secure and anonymous spaces.
Use conditions of
This legal notice provides concise information on the main aspects of the CoAct for Mental Health participation platform (, promoted by the OpenSystems group at the University of Barcelona. The platform wants to promote the active participation of citizens in the research project CoAct for Mental Health, which aims to understand how social support networks work in mental health, make them known and propose actions for their promotion, expansion and strengthening.
The citizen who accesses this platform agrees to accept and comply with all the provisions of this legal notice and all applicable provisions. It also undertakes to make lawful and appropriate use of the contents and services and to refrain from any conduct that is illegal or contrary to good faith.
CoAct for Mental Health is part of CoAct, a global initiative funded by the European Union through the Horizon 2020 program. The promoters of this research are the OpenSystems group of the University of Barcelona and the Federació Salut Mental Catalunya.
A. Scope of these terms of use
The following terms of use for participation in the platform are binding on all persons participating in this website. At the time of registration, you will be asked to accept these conditions and also to sign an informed consent, as a participant in a scientific research. In the informed consent, all the details regarding the protection of personal data are detailed.
The University of Barcelona reserves the right to modify the conditions present for the platform and will publish the latest version of these conditions on this website. In order to keep you informed of future changes, we encourage you to visit this page from time to time. Users will be notified of the changes when they affect their privacy and / or security.
B. Objective of the initiative
Through the platform, the OpenSystems group of the University of Barcelona wants to encourage citizen participation in the research project CoAct for Mental Health, which aims to understand how social support networks work in mental health and propose actions for its promotion, expansion and strengthening.
CoAct for Mental Health frames research within the so-called social citizen science, which involves citizens who share a social concern as co-researchers and coactors of research.
C. General aspects of participation in the platform
Anyone over the age of 18 who has previously registered on the platform can participate. By accepting these terms of use and signing an informed consent, the registered person declares that he is 18 years of age or older.
As the platform is a meeting point that aims to understand how mental health social support networks work and to propose actions for their promotion, expansion and strengthening, users are obliged to do a diligent use and in accordance with this purpose.
The University of Barcelona is not responsible for the incorrect use of the platform by its users or for the content they provide. Each user is responsible for the correct use of the platform, as well as for the legality of the content and opinions shared on it.
It is not allowed to add any illegal or unauthorized content to the website, such as information that has the following characteristics:
- that it is false or misleading;
- that it infringes any right of the University of Barcelona or any third party, such as copyright, trademarks or other intellectual and industrial property rights or other related rights;
- that violates the privacy of a third party, such as publishing personal details of participants, such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail, photographs or any other personal information;
- that it contains viruses, trojans, robots or other programs that may harm the website or systems of the University of Barcelona or the website or system of any third party, or that they intend to circumvent the technical measures designed for the proper functioning of the platform;
- that it intends to send spam to users or overload the system;
- has the character of a message chain, a pyramid scheme or a game of chance;
- that it has commercial purposes, such as publishing job offers or advertisements;
- that it does not comply with public decency; accordingly, the content must not incite hatred, discriminate, threaten, provoke, or have a sexual, violent, rude, or offensive meaning or character;
- that it infringes an applicable law or regulation;
- to create multiple users pretending to be different people (astroturfing).
The University of Barcelona is not responsible for the quality, originality, authenticity, legality or security of the content that users contribute to the platform. However, the University of Barcelona reserves the right to remove from the platform any opinions, information, comments, proposals or files that contradict these conditions of use, and may install filters for this purpose. All this will be done only in order to preserve the fundamental goal of the platform.
The University of Barcelona also reserves the right, without prior notice, to temporarily suspend the activities of a participant in the platform, deactivate the account in any way, delete its contents, delete the account. or send a notice, especially, and not limited to, in the following cases:
- if there is a breach of these conditions of use of the participation platform and
- if the University of Barcelona believes that the activity of the participant is harmful to others, to the website or to the University.
The participant is responsible for the content of their contributions and for any damages or claims of third parties that may arise. In no case will the University of Barcelona be responsible for the improper use of the site of the platform or the contents shared on it, nor will it be responsible for the use that a natural person makes of the ideas provided, nor for the suitability of these ideas, nor about the results derived from them. In the event that the content includes a link to another website, the University of Barcelona does not assume any type of liability for damages due to access to the contents of this link, nor for the content that may exist. in this same link. In the event of a dispute of any kind or for any reason between the participants on the website or in a third party, the University of Barcelona is exempt from any liability for claims, claims or damages of any nature that are related to somehow with this dispute.
D. Operation of the platform
Participants can access and browse the platform freely and anonymously. Only when they want to carry out an action that involves participation in a group and / or a research phase will they need to register in advance. The registration that will allow you to participate in the platform must be done by entering the following data: username, email, password and acceptance of the conditions of use and informed consent.
The registered person can interact with the platform through the different functionalities enabled by each of the teams and the research phases (debates, collaborative writing, meetings, ...).
E. Conditions for the treatment of content provided by users
These terms govern the terms applicable to content submitted by users of this platform using the appropriate form (hereinafter, the "Content"). The content does not include those personal data (except the user's public name) that are provided at the time of registration and verification, it only includes the public content provided by the user (comments, proposals .. .).
Non-confidentiality: All content submitted by the user to must be known to the general public. Therefore, the University of Barcelona will treat this content as non-confidential information.
Intellectual property: Unless otherwise indicated, the contents protected by intellectual property that the user contributes to this website will be subject to a Creative Commons license - Attribution - Share Alike (CC-BY-SA) .
Notice and Withdrawal Procedure: Anyone, for reasonable reasons, may request the removal of content that violates the legal notice and the present conditions of use; The request can be made by writing to, specifying what content it is and the reason for the withdrawal.
F. Copyright, reuse of information and other rights about the website and its contents
The University of Barcelona encourages the use of open licenses, the creation of derivative works and the reuse and modification of the works contained in this website, provided that the original authorship is recognized and the same license is maintained on the work. resulting. Unless otherwise stated, the content protected by intellectual property posted on this website is subject, by default, to a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License (CC-BY-SA). Under this license, any person may make use of the protected content, both for commercial and non-commercial purposes, provided that the authorship is acknowledged and the resulting work is disseminated under the same CC-BY-SA license. This license will apply both to the content provided by the University of Barcelona and to the content provided by users of this website.
The University of Barcelona allows the reuse of all information and data disseminated through this website, subject to the following conditions:
- You must properly acknowledge the authorship, provide a link to the license, and indicate whether any changes have been made to it.
- You cannot imply that the University sponsors or supports the activity in which the information is reused.
The University of Barcelona will respect all intellectual or industrial property rights over the content submitted by users, and assumes no responsibility, direct or indirect, with respect to any controversy, dispute and / or litigation that may arise from the publication, dissemination and / or dissemination of the content provided without the mandatory consent of its legitimate owners or without the protection of any use permitted by law.