Here you will find all the information about CoAct for Mental Health. If you have any questions, you can contact us at: info.coactuem@ub.edu
CoAct in the media
Want to know what they say about us in the media? You can read all the articles and watch all the interviews!
Testimonials of participants
Do you want to know how the Co-Researchers or the people involved in the chatbot are living the project? Click on the links below.
What's CoAct for Mental Health?
Our goal is to understand how mental health social support networks work and propose actions to strengthen them.
Who are we?
We are several groups of people interested in improving social support networks in mental health. We cooperate together within each group and at the same time between groups.
How can I participate?
CoAct for Mental Health is a dynamic project where the possibilities of participation evolve as the project progresses. Right now, participation is possible through the chatbot of CoAct for Mental Health.
Do you need help?
ATTENTION! CoAct for Mental Health and its chatbot are not a professional psychological help service, but a participatory scientific research project. You can check out the "Resources" section below.
Privacy, personal data protection and conditions of use
Our experiences in relation to mental health support networks are a very personal issue. For this reason, in all stages of the project, we have taken special care of the issues of privacy, confidentiality and protection of personal data. All our digital spaces are secure and anonymous spaces.
Can you help us spread the word about our chatbot?
Anyone 18 years of age or older can participate in our chatbot, as, directly or indirectly, we have all had experiences related to mental health. The diversity of perspectives is very welcome. We put various materials at your disposal so that you can invite the people around you to participate to the chatbot.
Was ist CoAct für Mentale Gesundheit?
Unser Ziel ist es, zu verstehen, wie die Unterstützungsnetzwerke für psychische Gesundheit funktionieren und Aktionen zu ihrer Stärkung vorzuschlagen.